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Article: January 21st (Sat) Barrel and Jar @SOIL Nihonbashi

January 21st (Sat) Barrel and Jar @SOIL Nihonbashi

Barrels and jars ~ Shochu that changes depending on the aging method ~
Saturday, January 21, 2023 SOIL Nihonbashi ]
There are various factors that create the aroma and taste of shochu, and one of them is the aging method. We have prepared several types of shochu, and in this workshop we will focus on the different aging methods, ranging from Asia's unique pot aging to barrel aging similar to whiskey.
Date and time: January 21, 2023 16:00-17:00
Venue: SOIL Nihonbashi( SOIL Nihonbashi ] )
Lecturer: Keisuke Hashimoto (@keisuke_hashimo)
Membership fee: 3000 yen
Capacity: 6 people
*For reservations, please contact us via DM or email with your name, phone number, and number of people. Applications will be closed as soon as the capacity is filled.

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