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【バレンタインレシピ】 SHOCHU Xの 極上トリュフチョコレート

[Valentine recipe] SHOCHU X's finest truffle chocolate

【バレンタインレシピ】 SHOCHU Xの 極上トリュフチョコレート

[Valentine recipe] SHOCHU X's finest truffle chocolate

Valentine's Day is coming soon. Introducing the finest chocolate recipe that is perfect as a gift for your loved ones. You can easily make it using only SHOCHU X shochu and ingredients ava...

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【保存版】 SHOCHU Xの焼酎にぴったり! コンビニおつまみ10選

[Preserved version] Perfect for SHOCHU X's shochu! 10 convenience store snacks

This time, we'll be introducing some of our staff's recommended snacks that go perfectly with SHOCHU X's shochu and are easily available at convenience stores. ----------------------- ---------...

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