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Japanese Dark Spirits リリースに添えて ※noteから転載

Along with the release of Japanese Dark Spirits *Reprinted from note

Japanese Dark Spirits リリースに添えて ※noteから転載

Along with the release of Japanese Dark Spirits *Reprinted from note

*Reprinted from Hashimoto's note On September 16th, we will launch the ``Japanese Dark Sprits Series'' of shochu as a spirit that meets global standards. As the first product, "NK Mugi 025" wi...

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J.CAVIAR × SHOCHU X  熟成を極めたコラボレーション

J.CAVIAR × SHOCHU X A matured collaboration

On May 26, 2022, J.CAVIAR, a domestic craft caviar brand that inherits Japanese tradition and challenges the world, will introduce shochu with an original concept and a new shochu experience beyon...

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天盃 × SHOCHUX が届ける新たな焼酎体験

A new shochu experience brought to you by Tenka × SHOCHUX

This time, we spoke to Takumi Tada, the fifth generation of Tensaka, the manufacturer of SHOCHU We would like to ask about the future of shochu. RINWA- ...

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Spring cocktail recipe (cherry blossom cocktail)

This time, we will introduce a spring-like cocktail with the scent of cherry blossoms that brings out the flavor of Kijina. A refreshing cocktail perfect for the cherry blossom viewing season. ...

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【カクテルレシピ】 希継奈アンドビターズ

[Cocktail Recipe] Kijina and Bitters

This time, we will introduce cocktails that will allow you to enjoy the scent of "Kijina" even more deeply. Gin and bitters, which is usually made with gin, has been adapted by Kijina. The ...

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SAGA INC. × SHOCHU X が語るリブランディングの意図

SAGA INC. × SHOCHU X talks about the intention of rebranding

This time, we have invited Mr. Sagae, the creative director of SAGA INC., who accompanied us in the rebranding of SHOCHU I'll visit you. Kota Sagae SAGA INC. ( ) Crea...

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【バレンタインレシピ】 SHOCHU Xの 極上トリュフチョコレート

[Valentine recipe] SHOCHU X's finest truffle chocolate

Valentine's Day is coming soon. Introducing the finest chocolate recipe that is perfect as a gift for your loved ones. You can easily make it using only SHOCHU X shochu and ingredients ava...

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【保存版】 SHOCHU Xの焼酎にぴったり! コンビニおつまみ10選

[Preserved version] Perfect for SHOCHU X's shochu! 10 convenience store snacks

This time, we'll be introducing some of our staff's recommended snacks that go perfectly with SHOCHU X's shochu and are easily available at convenience stores. ----------------------- ---------...

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A hot winter cocktail to warm your body

The cold days continue, how are you all doing? This time we'll be introducing hot cocktails that will gently warm up your cold winter body. It is recommended not only when you feel cold, but a...

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誠実に作られていて、飲みやすい! |『希継奈』愛飲者    Hさま

Made with integrity and easy to drink! |Mr. H, a “Kijina” drinker

This time, we interviewed Mr. H, who is a regular drinker of Kijina and said with a smile, ``Recently, I've started to feel the fun of connecting with the creators more. ' ' . ---------------...

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